Heather E. McGowan

Heather E. McGowan

Future of Work Strategist | One of Forbes' Top Female Futurists


Conférencière, leader éclairée, chercheuse et autrice, Heather E. McGowan compte parmi les personnalités les plus influentes concernant l’avenir du travail. Grâce à sa méthode fondée sur la recherche de sens et de cohérence ainsi que sur la réflexion approfondie et l’analyse des tendances, elle arrive à voir ce que les autres ne voient pas. Elle donne aux gens le courage et les connaissances qui leur permettent d’aller de l’avant et fait évoluer les mentalités ainsi que des organisations entières partout dans le monde grâce à son message. Selon elle, la prochaine phase du travail sera axée sur l’apprentissage continu et sur la façon dont le leadership doit changer pour être en mesure de servir de guide dans cette aventure. 

Son approche révolutionnaire en matière d’apprentissage a permis aux employés de mieux s’épanouir et d’augmenter leur créativité, aux dirigeants d’améliorer leurs compétences et leur empathie, et aux entreprises d’être plus efficaces dans l’atteinte de leurs objectifs dans un marché en constante évolution. 

Son message n’est jamais aussi puissant que lorsqu’elle est sur scène. Son approche pragmatique entraîne un changement d’état d’esprit profond au sein de son public, qui en ressort transformé sur le plan de la pensée et plus lucide quant aux actions à entreprendre. 

Version anglaise

The pandemic completely upended who, what, where, why, and how we work. Future of work strategist Heather E. McGowan helps leaders prepare their people and organizations for this new world of work. She is a sense maker, dot connector, big thinker, and pattern matcher whose ground breaking approach leaves employees more fulfilled and innovative, leaders more potent and empathetic, and businesses more effective in a rapidly evolving market.

Ranked as LinkedIn’s #1 global voice for education and as one of Forbes’ Top 50 Female Futurists, McGowan has been described as “the oasis” when it comes to insights into the future of work by the New York Times. She is an in-demand keynote speaker whose audiences have ranged from startups to government organizations, universities to publicly traded Fortune 100 companies. Past clients have included AMP Financial, SAP, Biogen, Fidelity, Mastercard, AT&T, Financial Times, Siemens, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, JPMorgan Chase, MassMutual, MetLife, the US Army, Accor Hotels, Paramount, and the World Bank, among many others.

Often quoted in the media, McGowan is the bestselling author of The Adaptation Advantage: Let Go, Learn Fast, and Thrive in the Future of Work, which reached number three in business management books on Amazon and was named one of the best business books of 2021 by Soundview. Her latest book, The Empathy Advantage: Leading the Empowered Workforce, is a finalist for the Next Big Idea Book Club and has been identified as a top ten business book to read in 2023 by Business Chief.

McGowan earned an MBA from Babson College and a BFA in industrial design from Rhode Island School of Design. She was also awarded an honorary doctorate from Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. Her academic work has included roles at Rhode Island School of Design and Jefferson University, where she was the strategic architect of the first undergraduate college focused exclusively on innovation. In 2019, she was appointed as a faculty member of the Swinburne University Centre for the New Workforce and currently serves on the advisory board for Sparks & Honey, a New York-based culture-focused agency.


Grande conférence

8 octobre 202415 h 45

L’apprentissage : Le réel futur du monde du travail

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